
Datapoints per country


API Processing time


Monthly API requests


Languages supported

We got the whole world covered

Take your application to a global level with these, and many more, features.

Country Data payload example
Country Data payload example
Country Data payload example
Country Data payload example

Straightforward Usage

Our documentation and guides will help you get started building in minutes

API Documentation

Before you get started, you can explore our documentation and see what you can expect. We provide OpenAPI 3.0 files for rapid usage in Postman and other tools, or generating SDKs through Swagger.

Simple pricing, as it should be.

We won't trouble you with overage fees, or a complicated pricing calculator.

Free forever

Get started
  • 150 API calls per month
  • Access to all endpoints
  • Privacy-focused API


$9 /month
Get started
  • 3k API calls per month
  • Access to all endpoints
  • Privacy-focused API
  • +99.9% uptime SLA


$49 /month
Get started
  • 25k API calls per month
  • Access to all endpoints
  • Privacy-focused API
  • +99.99% uptime SLA
  • Support


$99 /month
Get started
  • 150k API calls per month
  • Access to all endpoints
  • Privacy-focused API
  • +99.99% uptime SLA
  • Priority Support

Need more than 150k API calls per month?

Contact us on [email protected] for a quote.

What happens if I exced my monthly API quota?

Nothing! We do not have overage fees, and we will not terminate your service. However should you frequently exceed your monthly quota, we will reach out and discuss plan upgrades or alternate usage options.

If you are on the free plan, you will be met with a 429 HTTP error, alerting you that you have reached the quota.

Is there any minimum commitment?

None. Paid subscriptions can be cancelled as you please, and there is no cancellation fees or minimum commitment duration. You are not tied to use our service.

Do you offer refunds?

We have a no-questions-asked refund policy. If you for whatever reason need a refund, just reach out at [email protected] and we will get it sorted

We refund your most recent billing cycle (latest month for example). For yearly billing we will adjust according to how many months left. If you have 4 months left of your yearly plan, we will refund those 4 + 1 month.

Where do you source the data from?

Our data is sourced from various sources including but not limited to: the Unicode CLDR Project, Google i18n Addresses, Worldbank.org, ISO, ITU-T, ETNS, SCO, Morningstar and many more.

Unlike our competitors, we do not simply clone a open source GitHub repository and slap a pay-wall in front of it.

Our data is backed by the most reputable sources in their respective departments, such as Unicode CLDR for country and language information, which is widely used by companies such as Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Google and others.

Do you offer an SDK to interact with your API?

Soon! Our roadmap for 2023 Q4 includes adding PHP and JavaScript SDKs.

All our SDKs will be available on GitHub, you can view our GitHub Organization profile for more.

How often is data updated?

We follow the release cycles of our data providers. For example Unicode CLDR releases (on average) 2 new versions every year.

Once a new release is out from the respective sources, we will vet them and update our API. We will also take the chance to look for new and potentially useful data at those times, and make it available in our API at no extra charge.

What kind of support do you offer?

In our Growth and Scaler plans, we offer support and priority support respectively. Priority being answered with higher urgency.

We do not offer code review or help to implementing it into your application, however we can help you with questions regarding our API, how it works and potentially ways to improve usage of it.

Can I change from monthly to yearly billing?

Yes! Please reach out to [email protected], then we will help you out.

What does "Privacy-focused API" mean?

Most services track your usage in some form, for example for usage-based billing, to track their internal KPIs, or in some cases, to sell your data.

We do not track your behaviour, we do not store any information sent to our API (addresses etc.) and we do not have any tracking on our website or API.

Our API increments a counter on every successful API requests, which is to monitor if and when you are about to hit your quota. No information besides a internal ID referring to that API token, is stored. We do not know which endpoint you called, nor how many times or what data was sent to it. Our logs exclusively refers to internal things, such as events if things should fail.

We strongly believe that privacy by design is increasingly important, as companies are serving global audiences, which are under different (and often complex) data-privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA. By not tracking anything (no Google Analytics, no information logged, etc.), we free our clients from having to worry about yet another data processor that holds their data.

Get started today_

TellusDB is built with developers in mind, to make it as easy and straightforward to get build as possible. You can explore our documentation, or get started right away.